Thursday, July 30, 2009

Howard has a beach?

After a two week work out sabbatical my trainer took me back. So all day I anticipated a work out that would have me close to throng hugging that would rival the worst drunk. Instead he says, with great command, "we going on a bike ride". If I was a bit more secure in my position with him I would have told him to kiss my ass! I'm glad I didn't. He took me on a 15 minute ride away from my cares , certainly away from yesterdays residual. As we approached ground zero my minds imaginings of body wreckage, I started to smell the sweet sea air and feel the coolness on my skin from his open car window. The terror of riding a bike after 20 of not was slipping away. I was transported. I felt a sense memory of Pismo beach and child hood.
The bike ride? I did not die.
In fact I enjoyed it. Funny what 15 minutes of departure and a little sea air can do for the spirit.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Todays challenge, tomorrows nightmare

I got up early today.. Happy to have a slave just to keep the roof over my head. So I indulge the powers that be with the remnents of talent.. Left over golden voice meant for shakspere or some shit.. Now used to telprospect. I had a fuckin rough day. Now I anticipate an earlier arrival, more phone calls and left messages,it is summer for some, and a guarrentee of absolutly no commission check for me.
Is this the kind of stuff you want to hear? Cuz it's all i got.